Jeune Dudusse à la perle, 2023

by Toctoc

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15" x 18" in (36 x 44 cm)
20" x 23" in (50 x 58 cm) including frame.

Type: Original Painting

Classification: Unique

Support: Acrylic on wood

Toctoc's 'Jeune Dudusse à la perle' is a playful 14x18" inches acrylic on wood panel. The 2023 piece humorously reimagines a classic, blending pop culture and fine art, framed for modern collectors.

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About Toctoc

Toctoc, the French artist, defied norms by turning ugliness into captivating and humorous art. He introduced DUDUSS in 2012, sparking controversy with his unconventional character.

Toctoc describes himself as a versatile artist, delving into street art, illustration, and video creation. He draws inspiration from pop culture, books, movies, and news, often adding humor to well-known characters.

Toctoc admires artists like Tim Burton and Banksy for their humor and messaging in their work. Toctoc always infuses his art with hidden messages, showcasing his creativity.

Despite vandalism, Toctoc remains undeterred. His art, initially puzzling, often brings smiles once its humor is understood.

He values freedom and sharing ideas over societal responsibilities, aiming to make museums universally accessible for free.